How splendid!
Someone said it's not that fat people are sexier it's just that they want more of everything.
That may be a bit true! I know when I am gaining I seem to just go for it, be it extra food, more fattening junk and just give in to everything a lot more. Even though I am an FA / very into weight gain I see it with myself for sure but even when my wife starts gaining she is more care free, happier, doesn't deprive herself anything....I mean anything she will sit and eat a pint of ben n jerrys where as before she doesn't even tempt herself with snacks like that. Also usually when not gaining she will try and eat healthy but when she has gained some weight she asks to go to in n out burgers and always eats fattening stuff....she just lets herself do what she wants...more food, more fattening food and snacks, more sex a little more drinking, she just is more relaxed and enjoys everything.